Thursday, February 4, 2010

Weak Five

Well, it’s been a stressful week five as many of my friends that attend quarter schools can attest to. This is the week were midterms start to happen-unless you take a math class, because then those shenanigans began week three. And all of the sudden you have two presentations. And a group project due. On the same day. And you realize that staying up until 4AM three nights last week to play euchre and rummy wasn’t such a great life choice. And I think the stress of week five is what prompted me to start a blog. That, and I have a lot of friends that are journalism majors, and it seems sort of fun. We’ll see.

This week has been, well, a classic week five of winter quarter. Winter quarter is already super lame because it’s not fall or spring quarter. Because it’s cold and that limits the amount of wild rumpus you can have outside. And week five professors seems to feel like they can do mean things to you, like make you stay in computer labs for hours on end doing silly projects because, let’s face it, you don’t really want to go out and have your snot freeze anyway. So you start working out regularly and popping extra vitamin D to combat S.A.D. You try and eat better and get out of your dorm or apartment. Anything to get rid of the winter quarter blues.

Last Thursday the reality of all the work I would have to do this week began to sink in. I had a paper and a presentation. I had a group project. I had a midterm. I had a presentation due at 5 on Friday. I was not doing well in any of my classes. How do I deal with this pinch of procrastination? I sleep. Then on Sunday, the day of accomplishment, I back my janky Geo Prism into a shiny, black BMW. Of course I do. Of course I would back in a foreign exchange student from Asia who was incredibly confused by the entire situation. Of course the only sentence in English he kept saying over and over was “I’m going to make sure you pay for this.” Fantastic, sir. Lemme get my insurance company on that right away. Gah.

But, praise God, this week has begun to wind down. I’m done with presentations and papers for a few days. I’m headed back to Xenia this weekend to get my car repaired and to get my mother to buy me cereal and do my laundry. This week has made me so thankful that I don’t have to rely on my own strength to get through the day, but because Jesus took on my sin, died in my place, and rose again, I get to rely on His strength everyday. And it’s a strength that beautifully surpasses every ounce of human strength that I have inside me.

“But he said to me,  “My grace is sufficient for you, formy power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” -2 Corinthians 12:9


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