Sunday, February 7, 2010

Super Bowl and Commercials

Yes. Some folks watch the Super Bowl strictly for the commercials. This may be a sacrilegious thought for sports fanatics, but truthfully, if a company is willing to spend $2 million dollars on air time, one would think that the sponsoring companies would put their best foot forward.

For marketing and communication professionals, this is an incredible opportunity to see what money can buy. Money can perhaps buy time, buy the best professionals in the field, but does not necessarily buy creativity, street smarts and uniqueness. Social media allows the average joe small company to craft something with viral capabilities that may have more impact than television. So, to honor this, I have crafted a small little commercial to wet your appetite of our generous February incentives, on a beer budget.

I do have to admit. When budget and ingenuity meet, some can create something so fantastic, I still remember it years after. This is the case the with Honda commercial exemplifying perfection, engineering, and ingenuity.

Or perhaps the Heineken commercial, which blends real estate dreams and beer, which perhaps ties nicely to today’s Super Bowl activities.

And the less known follow-up:

Curious as to what your favorites will be today?


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