Saturday, March 20, 2010

Disappearing Act

This weekend I’ll be staying with my older sister, to look after my nieces while she’s at work. I should be back by Tuesday. She doesn’t have internet, so unless I can pick up someone else’s signal, you probably won’t hear from me for a few days.

I can’t say today was better than previous days. I was almost hit by a car this afternoon. I went to cross the street as I was leaving campus, in a crosswalk mind you. One foot was in the crosswalk, and as I was about to take another step, this white car cuts right in front of me. I didn’t see the car because it came from behind. But if I had taken just one or two more steps, the car could have hit me.

I spent the afternoon with my brother. He got a call at work (he works at Gamestop), and it was hilarious. A woman called in to ask about some games, but didn’t specify for which system. He asked three times. For the rest of the time I was there, his coworkers and a friend teased him about it.

His coworker called the store and asked about the games, while he was standing in front of the register. He then told his wife she should get everyone in her office to call GS and ask for the games, without saying for which system. Even my brother’s friend called in and did it. Oh, he was pissed.

Later I ran into a friend from German class while I was waiting for my mom at work. I also got to see a guy I hadn’t seen in a while. He used to be a demo for Sam’s, but once they brought in an outside company, he became a ‘Zoner’. It was nice to talk to both of them.

I have at least 30 themes for my 365-sketch challenge. That’s a good start. For now though, I need to pack and call it a night.


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