Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bear Attacking Me Dream

I had a very interesting dream the night of Jan 22-Jan 23. It was about a bear attacking me. I was at my parents house, and was about to leave I looked out into the field to the right of the house and saw a bear. Just a small dot. Mom couldn’t find Wally (our dog), and was standing on the deck calling him. While she was calling, the bear kept getting closer and closer, and finally came between me and my car and my mom. I called at the bear to keep it from attacking my mom, who seemed completely un aware it was actually there. It turned and started to me who had jumped in my car. I went to start it, but I had left the keys inside. The bear turned back to my mom. I called at him again, and honked the horn. It came at me. Somehow my car moved and there was a tree beside the A piller. The bear stood up to attack, and I became scared that it would break the glass. It lunged at me, but was stoped my the A Piller and the tree. Almost stuck between the two per se. The glass never broke while the bear was clawing at me. I somehow managed to start the car, in some limp mode, and drive away. This isn’t the first dream recently I’ve had that I can remember so vividly, but I decided to at least try and decode this one. I had some extra time at work, waiting for my computer to load.

Starting with the main idea, the bear attacking me.

  • Bear itself is a symbol of independence/ self reflection/and time of thinking. It is also the mother figure in many cultures.
  • first the bear was in a field – the field in a symbol of unlimited growth potential.
  • Then the bear was attacking me – this is a symbol of agression – but I called the bear over from attacking someone else hmm.

The bear was stopped by the tree and my car -

  • The tree is a symbol of self development and individuality
  • the car itself is a symbol of ego or personality, the larger self, and how we travel through life.
  • -being in the car, in the driver seat is a symbol of wanting control (or thinking you want control) of your life.
  • -how the car ride is can be compared to the journey of you life – mine being very sluggish with no power, but will eventually get there (the ultra limp mode)

The the part about the glass -

  • To see glass in your dream, symbolizes passivity or protection. You may be putting up an invisible barrier to protect yourself in a situation or relationship.
  • To dream that you are looking through glass, represents your openness and non-defensiveness. Alternatively, you may be putting up an invisible emotional barrier around yourself.
  • To see broken glass in your dream, signifies a change in your life. Alternatively, it could be symbolic of an aspect of your life that is in pieces. You will find that a situation will come to an abrupt and untimely end. 

Now I also looked up keys and losing keys it generically means feeling out of control – unable to aquire what is needed to complete a task or obtain a person’s knowledge – giving away power in your life or shrinking responsibility for your self.

The lost dog I never could find. But dog is -

  • To see a dog in your dream, symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. The dream suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success.
  • Alternatively, it indicates a skill that you have ignored or forgotten.

I did find this to help with my interpretation:

I am in a field. It is peaceful and green and I can see trees off in the distance. All of the sudden, there is a brown bear and I run. He is close behind me and I hop over a barbed wire fence and run for the trees. Then I am suddenly at some meeting in a shopping mall that has pink stucco walls. Carolyn February 10, 2001

Hi Carolyn, Chase dreams are quite common and often reflect a situation that you are afraid in confronting. The bear is symbolic of introspection and self-reflection. In mythology, it also refers to the great mother figure. The green fields indicates your hopes and your unlimited potential for growth. The fence is obviously an obstacle that you overcome and is a reflection of your determination and will. I think the bear is chasing you not to attack you, but to push you away. It is no coincidence that you run toward the trees. The trees are significant for they are a symbol of self-development and individuality. Your mother may be pushing you to explore the world on your own and become your own person. At the end of your dream, you suddenly found yourself in a meeting. The meeting reiterates again how you need to redirect your energies in a more productive manner.

Best Regards, Steve

How should I put this together to fit my dream and life? I do not run from the bear, but call it towards me. Then the tree and car protect me.  I also never see my mother and the bear at the same time. Can the bear be portraying my mother? Is she trying to push me from doing something? Yet my individuality and ego is too much? I am emotionally protecting myself? From my mother? From another part of myself? Am I fighting with myself on what I should do with my life? I am, as per most of my other post I suppose. Then the dog – I can’t find my true value to help my in this world? Ugh.


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