This video is not advocating that you not pay your bills. This video is about a crop of Pirates coming up that are stealing property without judgments from a court of law!
The video should be titled car-pirate confronted because the bank has to have “lawful possession” in order to repossess something.
If you study banking you will come to realize that the bank NEVER loaned you anything….
Your signature created the funds which is a data entry credit. If you never payed the bank a dime they did not lose anything. Its a hard concept for people to grasp but it is true.
This jack ass and his company have access to ALL personal information via his ALPR license place recognition software. I confronted this Car Pirate because he would not leave the neighborhood and was acting like a jackazz. These people STEAL cars all the time. You can’t take someones property without due process of law.
They steal cars all the time without a judgement from a court of law.
Piece of advice:
If a tow company EVER tows your car go down there and demand the property at once and request them to send you a bill.
If they do not then call the cops and the police will make sure the tow company turns over your property.
Even the cops know it is theft!
Here is the scoop on the repo thief:
single cab F350
Unit #12
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