Thursday, December 10, 2009

I Fought The Law and I Won

During the last summer session, I thought I could get away with parking in the Red Zone in Stadium lot, which is explicitly reserved for faculty and staff from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

“It’s summer, what cop is going to bother checking all the way back here?”  (Since naturally it was about a mile away from the Union).

I got my answer when I returned a few hours later to find that six minutes after I left my car a cop had slapped a $30 ticket on my windshield!

Now, I’ve left my car in a (not paid-for) spot in pay lots many times, sometimes for hours–What gives?!

However, the fine print at the end of the stub was going to make my day bright again:

“Appeal by July 30th…”

Hmmm.  I logged onto SOLAR and typed a detailed description of how I thought parking rules were suspended during the summer (this was true in high school, why not here?) and I will be sure to familiarize myself with parking restrictions in the future (Green parking pass = only green lots).  To my sheer amazement, my long-winded explanation got the ticket dismissed!

This fall, however, my rebellious friend has decided on multiple occasions to flout the “Staff Only” rule instead of walking to West Apartments in the cold.


Granted, he writes his appeals like the pre-law student he is, but is this neccessary?  Is just the effort of logging onto SOLAR enough to keep the University from collecting?!  Unbelievable.


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