I didn’t realise it but it has been almost 2 weeks into the new job. And the other thing I didn’t realise earlier was that it had been almost 3 weeks since I last posted! I had been so caught up with various things that I had cleanly forgotten to pen down my thoughts or had conveniently decided to put it off to the next day…and the next day…and the next day… alright, you know what it’s like. And it’s not a good thing. A moment of reflection revealed to me that my focus had shifted. It had shifted greatly from my family and spiritual life toward my work and “material” life. I think I have been a little overly absorbed into the new job and new things around me, like a new car! These things, though good for me, have turned my eyes away from God for some time and I have neglected Him. I have to remember that these things were blessings from God and they were given to me for me to use them to honour Him and not for me to be immersed in them that I put Him in 2nd place. Sigh. Such are the “normal” tendencies of the human being. Well, time to get my act together! It is bright and early right now, so it’s a good start
1. Thank God for giving me my new job and guiding me through it so far. I think He deliberately gave me this job so that I can always find a reason to come to Him for help haha! Thanks Jesus!
2. Thank God for giving me my new car (and helping me to sell the previous one) and for my mom and dad who are paying part of it *grins* The new car is bigger and can fit my big butt better! Haha! I mean, it is more suited for my family of 5 and where my children are slowly (and surely) growing taller and bigger by each passing minute.
3. Thank God for giving me back my laptop which is like new and showed me that even a simple thing like a laptop can signify that things in my life are starting to be renewed. There is a new phase of life starting up for us. I just wished I knew what it was!!
4. Thank God for giving us our new Wii set and the ability for me to afford it. The children love it and God loves children!
5. Thank God for the new Macbook which is coming. Yeah! So, it is true when the Word says that Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart - Ps 37:4. And it cost only half the price!
6. Thank God for the new responsibilities that I have in ministry. The Children’s Ministy is a very important one and the means to making it effective is critical. The transportation of children to and fro is key to bringing children to church and at the same time, reaching out to the parents who are unchurched. God, I need your guidance for this!
7. Thank God for my staff under me in the office and the opportunity to lead them. Oh, how I desperately need your wisdom on this one, God!
8. No, there are no new children :p
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